Alice Brown-A West-Country Lover

A West-Country Lover

THEN, lady, at last thou art sick of my sighing.
So long as I sue, thou wilt still be denying?
Ah, well! shall I vow then to serve thee forever, 5
And swear no unkindness our kinship can sever?
Nay, nay, dear my lass! here’s an end of endeavor.

Yet let no sweet ruth for my misery grieve thee.
Good-bye! 10
The man who has loved knows as well how to leave thee.
The gorse is enkindled, there’s bloom on the heather,
And love is my joy, but so too is fair weather;
I still ride abroad though we ride not together. 15

My horse is my mate; let the wind be my master.
Though Care may pursue, yet my hound follows faster.
Good-bye! 20
The red deer’s a-tremble in coverts unbroken.
He hears the hoof-thunder; he scents the death-token.
Shall I mope at home, under vows never spoken?

The brown earth’s my book, and I ride forth to read it. 25
The stream runneth fast, but my will shall outspeed it.
I love thee, dear lass, but I hate the hag Sorrow.
As sun follows rain, and to-night has its morrow, 30
So I’ll taste of joy, though I steal, beg, or borrow!

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