Lesbian Vampire Killers

Philip French

The stars of Gavin and Stacey, James Corden and Mathew Horne, play Fletch and Jimmy, a pair of friends, their lives devoted to drinking beer and pursuing babes, who go hiking in Norfolk when Jimmy is jilted by his fiancee. They walk into a country pub that's straight out of An American Werewolf in London, spend the night at a remote cottage with four busty foreign broads and are attacked by a pack of lesbian vampires who've haunted the area since the Middle Ages.

Badly directed, poorly acted, witlessly scripted, it's a black hole that not even a Simon Pegg could fill. Probably the worst British horror movie, comic or otherwise, since an ailing Bela Lugosi crossed the Atlantic 57 years ago to appear in Old Mother Riley Meets the Vampire.

ailing - niedomagający, schorowany

babe - laska, babka

broad - kobieta, zdzira

busty - biuściasta, piersiasta

devoted to - oddany (czemuś)

hike - wędrować pieszo; jechać autostopem

jilted - porzucony

pursue - ścigać, gonić

remote - odległy

witlessly - nierozsądnie

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