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Christmas time in Poland

Christmas time is back again
Been coming round since you know when
Suddenly the evenings get all dark
There's something special in the air
'cos I'm not going home this year
Christmas time in Poland is carp

No presents by the Christmas tree
There's none for me and none for me
And noone's sent us any Christmas cards
No Christmas crackers going snap
No brussel sprouts I'm glad of that
But worst of all they close up all the bars

I think the turkeys got their wish
'Cos everybody's eating fish
Christmas time in Poland is carp

Today's locked up with family
There's murder intrigue cookery
I reckon that disaster's on the cards
Waiting till a star appears
Communion bread and soup with ears
Christmas time in Poland means I starve

Grandma's choked up on a fish
She's laying face down in a dish
Christmas time in Poland is carp

My hamster spoke to me last night
I have to say I think he's right
That Christmas time in Poland is bizarre

My girl's left me for another
Life is brutal pass the vodka
Christmas time is tough on broken hearts

Now it's time to stop and think
and have another Christmas drink
Don't let the Christmas spirits go too far
It's time to love your fellow man
Not literally or you'll get banned
Let Christmas show how fabulous you are

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'cos = because
a Christmas cracker - Bożonarodzeniowa kartonowa tuba z niespodzianką, która, rozrywana z dwóch stron, wydaje dźwięk podobny do sztucznych ogni
a brussel sprout - brukselka

to reckon - oczekiwać, spodziewać
communion bread - opłatek
to starve - głodować
to choke up - zadławić się
bizarre - przedziwny
a fellow man - kumpel
literally - dosłownie

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© JDJ Bachalski sp. z o.o. i Anglorama sp. z o.o. 2006

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